--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+require 'fileutils'
+require "musicbrainz"
+require "yaml"
+require "ostruct"
+#require "glib2"
+require "tempfile"
+class Track
+ attr_reader :id, :name
+ def initialize(mb)
+ @name = mb.result(MusicBrainz::Query::TrackGetTrackName)
+ tmp = mb.result(MusicBrainz::Query::TrackGetTrackId)
+ @id = mb.id_from_url(tmp)
+ end
+class Artist
+ attr_reader :id, :name
+ def initialize(mb)
+ tmp = mb.result(MusicBrainz::Query::AlbumGetAlbumArtistId)
+ @id = mb.id_from_url(tmp)
+ @name = mb.result(MusicBrainz::Query::AlbumGetArtistName, 1)
+ end
+class Album
+ attr_reader :id, :name, :artist, :tracks
+ attr_accessor :genre, :year
+ def initialize(mb)
+ @genre = nil
+ @year = nil
+ @artist = Artist.new(mb)
+ tmp = mb.result(MusicBrainz::Query::AlbumGetAlbumId)
+ @id = mb.id_from_url(tmp)
+ @name = mb.result(MusicBrainz::Query::AlbumGetAlbumName)
+ num_tracks = mb.result(MusicBrainz::Query::AlbumGetNumTracks).to_i
+ @tracks = Array.new(num_tracks)
+ 1.upto(num_tracks) do |j|
+ mb.select(MusicBrainz::Query::SelectTrack, j)
+ @tracks[j - 1] = Track.new(mb)
+ mb.select(MusicBrainz::Query::Back)
+ end
+ end
+class Encoder
+ def initialize(config)
+ @cfg = config
+ end
+ def encode(dest, metadata)
+ end
+ def apply_tags(dest, metadata)
+ end
+ def compute_replaygain
+ end
+ def suffix
+ end
+class VorbisEncoder < Encoder
+ def encode(dest, m)
+ <<EOF
+ oggenc -q #{@cfg.vorbis_quality} -Q -o "#{dest}" -
+ end
+ def apply_tags(dest, m)
+ Tempfile.open("rbrip.vorbiscomments") do |tf|
+ tf.puts("artist=" + m[:artist])
+ tf.puts("title=" + m[:track_name])
+ tf.puts("album=" + m[:disc])
+ tf.puts("tracknumber=" + m[:track_no])
+ tf.puts("genre=" + m[:genre])
+ tf.puts("date=" + m[:year].to_s)
+ tf.puts("musicbrainz_albumid=" + m[:disc_id])
+ tf.puts("musicbrainz_artistid=" + m[:artist_id])
+ tf.puts("musicbrainz_trackid=" + m[:track_id])
+ tf.flush
+ FileUtils.mv(dest, dest + ".untagged")
+ `vorbiscomment -w "#{dest}.untagged" "#{dest}" -c #{tf.path}`
+ FileUtils.rm(dest + ".untagged")
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_replaygain(files)
+ "vorbisgain -a " + files.map { |f| f + suffix }.join(" ")
+ end
+ def suffix
+ ".ogg"
+ end
+class FlacEncoder < Encoder
+ def encode(dest, m)
+ s =<<EOF
+flac --no-ogg
+ --sign=signed --endian=little --channels=2 --bps=16 --sample-rate=44100
+ -o "#{dest}" -
+ s.gsub!(/\n/, " ")
+ s
+ end
+ def apply_tags(dest, m)
+ Tempfile.open("rbrip.vorbiscomments") do |tf|
+ tf.puts("artist=" + m[:artist])
+ tf.puts("title=" + m[:track_name])
+ tf.puts("album=" + m[:disc])
+ tf.puts("tracknumber=" + m[:track_no])
+ tf.puts("genre=" + m[:genre])
+ tf.puts("date=" + m[:year].to_s)
+ tf.puts("musicbrainz_albumid=" + m[:disc_id])
+ tf.puts("musicbrainz_artistid=" + m[:artist_id])
+ tf.puts("musicbrainz_trackid=" + m[:track_id])
+ tf.flush
+ `metaflac --import-tags-from=#{tf.path} #{dest}`
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_replaygain(files)
+ "metaflac --add-replay-gain " + files.map { |f| f + suffix }.join(" ")
+ end
+ def suffix
+ ".flac"
+ end
+class String
+ def sanitize
+ # cut leading and trailing "..."
+ if self[0..2] == "..."
+ tmp = self[3..-1]
+ else
+ tmp = self.dup
+ end
+ if tmp[-3..-1] == "..."
+ tmp = tmp[0..-4]
+ end
+ tmp.gsub(/\s+/, "_").gsub(/&/, "and").delete(",'()[]/\\!?\":").
+ tr("-", "_").
+ squeeze(" ").squeeze(".").squeeze("_")
+ end
+ def sanitize!
+ replace(sanitize)
+ end
+ def rpad(total)
+ n = [total - length, 0].max
+ self + (" " * n)
+ end
+cfg_file = ARGV.first || File.expand_path("~/.rbrip.yaml")
+ config = YAML.load(File.open(cfg_file))
+ config = OpenStruct.new(
+ :device => "/dev/hdd",
+ :destdir => ".",
+ :dirmask => "%a/%y-%l",
+ :filemask => "%n-%a-%t",
+ :sanitize_filenames => true,
+ :vorbis_quality => 5
+ )
+ File.open(cfg_file, "w") { |f| YAML.dump(config, f) }
+mb = MusicBrainz::Client.new
+mb.device = config.device
+unless mb.query(MusicBrainz::Query::GetCDInfo)
+ STDERR.puts "Error: " + mb.error
+ exit 1
+num_albums = mb.result(MusicBrainz::Query::GetNumAlbums).to_i
+if num_albums < 1
+ STDERR.puts "Album not found. Guess you need to submit it:"
+ puts mb.url
+ exit 1
+elsif num_albums > 1
+ STDERR.puts "Multiple albums found. What now?"
+ exit 1
+mb.select(MusicBrainz::Query::SelectAlbum, 1)
+album = Album.new(mb)
+if album.id == ""
+ STDERR.puts "Album not found. Guess you need to submit it:"
+ puts mb.url
+ exit 1
+puts "Disc info:\n
+ Artist: #{album.artist.name.rpad(20)} (#{album.artist.id})
+ Name: #{album.name.rpad(20)} (#{album.id})
+ Tracks:\n"
+album.tracks.each_with_index do |t, i|
+ #tmp = GLib.locale_from_utf8(t.name)
+ tmp = t.name
+ puts "%3s." % (i + 1) + " #{tmp}"
+print "\nContinue [Y/n]? "
+exit if STDIN.getc == ?n
+print "\nEnter year of release: "
+album.year = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i
+print "Enter genre: "
+album.genre = STDIN.gets.strip
+# where to put the encoded files?
+destdir = config.dirmask.dup
+dir_map = {
+ "%A" => album.artist.name.sanitize,
+ "%L" => album.name.sanitize,
+ "%Y" => album.year.to_s
+if config.sanitize_filenames
+ dir_map.each_value { |v| v.sanitize! }
+dir_map.each do |k, v|
+ destdir.gsub!(/#{k}/, v)
+ destdir.gsub!(/#{k.downcase}/, v.downcase)
+destdir = File.join(config.destdir, destdir)
+FileUtils.makedirs(destdir) unless File.directory?(destdir)
+puts "\nRipping to #{destdir}\n\n"
+files = []
+enc = VorbisEncoder.new(config)
+#enc = FlacEncoder.new(config)
+metadata = {
+ :artist => album.artist.name,
+ :artist_id => album.artist.id,
+ :disc => album.name,
+ :disc_id => album.id,
+ :genre => album.genre,
+ :year => album.year
+file_map = dir_map.dup
+album.tracks.each_with_index do |t, i|
+ t = album.tracks[i]
+ track_no = i + 1
+ file = config.filemask.dup
+ file_map["%N"] = "%02i" % track_no
+ if config.sanitize_filenames
+ file_map["%T"] = t.name.sanitize
+ else
+ file_map["%T"] = t.name
+ end
+ metadata[:track_no] = track_no.to_s
+ metadata[:track_name] = t.name
+ metadata[:track_id] = t.id
+ file_map.each do |k, v|
+ file.gsub!(/#{k}/, v)
+ file.gsub!(/#{k.downcase}/, v.downcase)
+ end
+ if config.sanitize_filenames
+ if file[-1] == ?.
+ file = file[0..-2]
+ end
+ end
+ file = File.join(destdir, file)
+ files << file
+ rip_cmd = "cdparanoia -q -d \"#{config.device}\" -w -- #{track_no} -"
+ encode_cmd = enc.encode(file + enc.suffix, metadata)
+ puts "Ripping: #{track_no}. #{t.name} => #{file + enc.suffix}"
+ `#{rip_cmd} | #{encode_cmd}`
+ apltags = enc.apply_tags(file + enc.suffix, metadata)
+ puts "Applying tags..."
+ `#{apltags} > /dev/null`
+rplgain_cmd = enc.compute_replaygain(files)
+unless rplgain_cmd.nil?
+ puts "Computing replaygain..."
+ `#{rplgain_cmd} > /dev/null`