--- /dev/null
+# Universal Analytics for Python
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Analytics Pros
+# This project is free software, distributed under the BSD license.
+# Analytics Pros offers consulting and integration services if your firm needs
+# assistance in strategy, implementation, or auditing existing work.
+from urllib2 import urlopen, build_opener, install_opener
+from urllib2 import Request, HTTPSHandler
+from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPError
+from urllib import urlencode
+import random
+import datetime
+import time
+import uuid
+import hashlib
+import socket
+def generate_uuid(basedata = None):
+ """ Provides a _random_ UUID with no input, or a UUID4-format MD5 checksum of any input data provided """
+ if basedata is None:
+ return str(uuid.uuid4())
+ elif isinstance(basedata, basestring):
+ checksum = hashlib.md5(basedata).hexdigest()
+ return '%8s-%4s-%4s-%4s-%12s' % (checksum[0:8], checksum[8:12], checksum[12:16], checksum[16:20], checksum[20:32])
+class Time(datetime.datetime):
+ """ Wrappers and convenience methods for processing various time representations """
+ @classmethod
+ def from_unix(cls, seconds, milliseconds = 0):
+ """ Produce a full |datetime.datetime| object from a Unix timestamp """
+ base = list(time.gmtime(seconds))[0:6]
+ base.append(milliseconds * 1000) # microseconds
+ return cls(* base)
+ @classmethod
+ def to_unix(cls, timestamp):
+ """ Wrapper over time module to produce Unix epoch time as a float """
+ if not isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime):
+ raise TypeError, 'Time.milliseconds expects a datetime object'
+ base = time.mktime(timestamp.timetuple())
+ return base
+ @classmethod
+ def milliseconds_offset(cls, timestamp, now = None):
+ """ Offset time (in milliseconds) from a |datetime.datetime| object to now """
+ if isinstance(timestamp, (int, float)):
+ base = timestamp
+ else:
+ base = cls.to_unix(timestamp)
+ base = base + (timestamp.microsecond / 1000000)
+ if now is None:
+ now = time.time()
+ return (now - base) * 1000
+class HTTPRequest(object):
+ """ URL Construction and request handling abstraction.
+ This is not intended to be used outside this module.
+ Automates mapping of persistent state (i.e. query parameters)
+ onto transcient datasets for each query.
+ """
+ endpoint = 'https://www.google-analytics.com/collect'
+ @staticmethod
+ def debug():
+ """ Activate debugging on urllib2 """
+ handler = HTTPSHandler(debuglevel = 1)
+ opener = build_opener(handler)
+ install_opener(opener)
+ # Store properties for all requests
+ def __init__(self, user_agent = None, *args, **opts):
+ self.user_agent = user_agent or 'Analytics Pros - Universal Analytics (Python)'
+ @classmethod
+ def fixUTF8(cls, data): # Ensure proper encoding for UA's servers...
+ """ Convert all strings to UTF-8 """
+ for key in data:
+ if isinstance(data[ key ], basestring):
+ data[ key ] = data[ key ].encode('utf-8')
+ return data
+ # Apply stored properties to the given dataset & POST to the configured endpoint
+ def send(self, data):
+ request = Request(
+ self.endpoint + '?' + urlencode(self.fixUTF8(data)),
+ headers = {
+ 'User-Agent': self.user_agent
+ }
+ )
+ self.open(request)
+ def open(self, request):
+ try:
+ return urlopen(request)
+ except HTTPError as e:
+ return False
+ except URLError as e:
+ self.cache_request(request)
+ return False
+ def cache_request(self, request):
+ # TODO: implement a proper caching mechanism here for re-transmitting hits
+ # record = (Time.now(), request.get_full_url(), request.get_data(), request.headers)
+ pass
+class HTTPPost(HTTPRequest):
+ # Apply stored properties to the given dataset & POST to the configured endpoint
+ def send(self, data):
+ request = Request(
+ self.endpoint,
+ data = urlencode(self.fixUTF8(data)),
+ headers = {
+ 'User-Agent': self.user_agent
+ }
+ )
+ self.open(request)
+class Tracker(object):
+ """ Primary tracking interface for Universal Analytics """
+ params = None
+ parameter_alias = {}
+ valid_hittypes = ('pageview', 'event', 'social', 'screenview', 'transaction', 'item', 'exception', 'timing')
+ @classmethod
+ def alias(cls, typemap, base, *names):
+ """ Declare an alternate (humane) name for a measurement protocol parameter """
+ cls.parameter_alias[ base ] = (typemap, base)
+ for i in names:
+ cls.parameter_alias[ i ] = (typemap, base)
+ @classmethod
+ def coerceParameter(cls, name, value = None):
+ if isinstance(name, basestring) and name[0] == '&':
+ return name[1:], str(value)
+ elif name in cls.parameter_alias:
+ typecast, param_name = cls.parameter_alias.get(name)
+ return param_name, typecast(value)
+ else:
+ raise KeyError, 'Parameter "{0}" is not recognized'.format(name)
+ def payload(self, data):
+ for key, value in data.iteritems():
+ try:
+ yield self.coerceParameter(key, value)
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ option_sequence = {
+ 'pageview': [ (basestring, 'dp') ],
+ 'event': [ (basestring, 'ec'), (basestring, 'ea'), (basestring, 'el'), (int, 'ev') ],
+ 'social': [ (basestring, 'sn'), (basestring, 'sa'), (basestring, 'st') ],
+ 'timing': [ (basestring, 'utc'), (basestring, 'utv'), (basestring, 'utt'), (basestring, 'utl') ]
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def consume_options(cls, data, hittype, args):
+ """ Interpret sequential arguments related to known hittypes based on declared structures """
+ opt_position = 0
+ data[ 't' ] = hittype # integrate hit type parameter
+ if hittype in cls.option_sequence:
+ for expected_type, optname in cls.option_sequence[ hittype ]:
+ if opt_position < len(args) and isinstance(args[opt_position], expected_type):
+ data[ optname ] = args[ opt_position ]
+ opt_position += 1
+ @classmethod
+ def hittime(cls, timestamp = None, age = None, milliseconds = None):
+ """ Returns an integer represeting the milliseconds offset for a given hit (relative to now) """
+ if isinstance(timestamp, (int, float)):
+ return int(Time.milliseconds_offset(Time.from_unix(timestamp, milliseconds = milliseconds)))
+ if isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime):
+ return int(Time.milliseconds_offset(timestamp))
+ if isinstance(age, (int, float)):
+ return int(age * 1000) + (milliseconds or 0)
+ @property
+ def account(self):
+ return self.params.get('tid', None)
+ def __init__(self, account, name = None, client_id = None, hash_client_id = False, user_id = None, user_agent = None, use_post = True):
+ if use_post is False:
+ self.http = HTTPRequest(user_agent = user_agent)
+ else:
+ self.http = HTTPPost(user_agent = user_agent)
+ self.params = { 'v': 1, 'tid': account }
+ if client_id is None:
+ client_id = generate_uuid()
+ self.params[ 'cid' ] = client_id
+ self.hash_client_id = hash_client_id
+ if user_id is not None:
+ self.params[ 'uid' ] = user_id
+ def set_timestamp(self, data):
+ """ Interpret time-related options, apply queue-time parameter as needed """
+ if 'hittime' in data: # an absolute timestamp
+ data['qt'] = self.hittime(timestamp = data.pop('hittime', None))
+ if 'hitage' in data: # a relative age (in seconds)
+ data['qt'] = self.hittime(age = data.pop('hitage', None))
+ def send(self, hittype, *args, **data):
+ """ Transmit HTTP requests to Google Analytics using the measurement protocol """
+ if hittype not in self.valid_hittypes:
+ raise KeyError('Unsupported Universal Analytics Hit Type: {0}'.format(repr(hittype)))
+ self.set_timestamp(data)
+ self.consume_options(data, hittype, args)
+ for item in args: # process dictionary-object arguments of transcient data
+ if isinstance(item, dict):
+ for key, val in self.payload(item):
+ data[ key ] = val
+ for k, v in self.params.iteritems(): # update only absent parameters
+ if k not in data:
+ data[ k ] = v
+ data = dict(self.payload(data))
+ if self.hash_client_id:
+ data[ 'cid' ] = generate_uuid(data[ 'cid' ])
+ # Transmit the hit to Google...
+ self.http.send(data)
+ # Setting persistent attibutes of the session/hit/etc (inc. custom dimensions/metrics)
+ def set(self, name, value = None):
+ if isinstance(name, dict):
+ for key, value in name.iteritems():
+ try:
+ param, value = self.coerceParameter(key, value)
+ self.params[param] = value
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(name, basestring):
+ try:
+ param, value = self.coerceParameter(name, value)
+ self.params[param] = value
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ param, value = self.coerceParameter(name, None)
+ return self.params.get(param, None)
+ def __setitem__(self, name, value):
+ param, value = self.coerceParameter(name, value)
+ self.params[param] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, name):
+ param, value = self.coerceParameter(name, None)
+ if param in self.params:
+ del self.params[param]
+def safe_unicode(obj):
+ """ Safe convertion to the Unicode string version of the object """
+ try:
+ return unicode(obj)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ return obj.decode('utf-8')
+# Declaring name mappings for Measurement Protocol parameters
+MAX_EC_LISTS = 11 # 1-based index
+MAX_EC_PRODUCTS = 11 # 1-based index
+MAX_EC_PROMOTIONS = 11 # 1-based index
+Tracker.alias(int, 'v', 'protocol-version')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'cid', 'client-id', 'clientId', 'clientid')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'tid', 'trackingId', 'account')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'uid', 'user-id', 'userId', 'userid')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'uip', 'user-ip', 'userIp', 'ipaddr')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'ua', 'userAgent', 'userAgentOverride', 'user-agent')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'dp', 'page', 'path')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'dt', 'title', 'pagetitle', 'pageTitle' 'page-title')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'dl', 'location')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'dh', 'hostname')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'sc', 'sessioncontrol', 'session-control', 'sessionControl')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'dr', 'referrer', 'referer')
+Tracker.alias(int, 'qt', 'queueTime', 'queue-time')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 't', 'hitType', 'hittype')
+Tracker.alias(int, 'aip', 'anonymizeIp', 'anonIp', 'anonymize-ip')
+# Campaign attribution
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'cn', 'campaign', 'campaignName', 'campaign-name')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'cs', 'source', 'campaignSource', 'campaign-source')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'cm', 'medium', 'campaignMedium', 'campaign-medium')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'ck', 'keyword', 'campaignKeyword', 'campaign-keyword')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'cc', 'content', 'campaignContent', 'campaign-content')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'ci', 'campaignId', 'campaignID', 'campaign-id')
+# Technical specs
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'sr', 'screenResolution', 'screen-resolution', 'resolution')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'vp', 'viewport', 'viewportSize', 'viewport-size')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'de', 'encoding', 'documentEncoding', 'document-encoding')
+Tracker.alias(int, 'sd', 'colors', 'screenColors', 'screen-colors')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'ul', 'language', 'user-language', 'userLanguage')
+# Mobile app
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'an', 'appName', 'app-name', 'app')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'cd', 'contentDescription', 'screenName', 'screen-name', 'content-description')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'av', 'appVersion', 'app-version', 'version')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'aid', 'appID', 'appId', 'application-id', 'app-id', 'applicationId')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'aiid', 'appInstallerId', 'app-installer-id')
+# Ecommerce
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'ta', 'affiliation', 'transactionAffiliation', 'transaction-affiliation')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'ti', 'transaction', 'transactionId', 'transaction-id')
+Tracker.alias(float, 'tr', 'revenue', 'transactionRevenue', 'transaction-revenue')
+Tracker.alias(float, 'ts', 'shipping', 'transactionShipping', 'transaction-shipping')
+Tracker.alias(float, 'tt', 'tax', 'transactionTax', 'transaction-tax')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'cu', 'currency', 'transactionCurrency', 'transaction-currency') # Currency code, e.g. USD, EUR
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'in', 'item-name', 'itemName')
+Tracker.alias(float, 'ip', 'item-price', 'itemPrice')
+Tracker.alias(float, 'iq', 'item-quantity', 'itemQuantity')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'ic', 'item-code', 'sku', 'itemCode')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'iv', 'item-variation', 'item-category', 'itemCategory', 'itemVariation')
+# Events
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'ec', 'event-category', 'eventCategory', 'category')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'ea', 'event-action', 'eventAction', 'action')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'el', 'event-label', 'eventLabel', 'label')
+Tracker.alias(int, 'ev', 'event-value', 'eventValue', 'value')
+Tracker.alias(int, 'ni', 'noninteractive', 'nonInteractive', 'noninteraction', 'nonInteraction')
+# Social
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'sa', 'social-action', 'socialAction')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'sn', 'social-network', 'socialNetwork')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'st', 'social-target', 'socialTarget')
+# Exceptions
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'exd', 'exception-description', 'exceptionDescription', 'exDescription')
+Tracker.alias(int, 'exf', 'exception-fatal', 'exceptionFatal', 'exFatal')
+# User Timing
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'utc', 'timingCategory', 'timing-category')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'utv', 'timingVariable', 'timing-variable')
+Tracker.alias(int, 'utt', 'time', 'timingTime', 'timing-time')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'utl', 'timingLabel', 'timing-label')
+Tracker.alias(float, 'dns', 'timingDNS', 'timing-dns')
+Tracker.alias(float, 'pdt', 'timingPageLoad', 'timing-page-load')
+Tracker.alias(float, 'rrt', 'timingRedirect', 'timing-redirect')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'tcp', 'timingTCPConnect', 'timing-tcp-connect')
+Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'srt', 'timingServerResponse', 'timing-server-response')
+# Custom dimensions and metrics
+for i in range(0,200):
+ Tracker.alias(safe_unicode, 'cd{0}'.format(i), 'dimension{0}'.format(i))
+ Tracker.alias(int, 'cm{0}'.format(i), 'metric{0}'.format(i))
+# Enhanced Ecommerce
+Tracker.alias(str, 'pa') # Product action
+Tracker.alias(str, 'tcc') # Coupon code
+Tracker.alias(unicode, 'pal') # Product action list
+Tracker.alias(int, 'cos') # Checkout step
+Tracker.alias(str, 'col') # Checkout step option
+Tracker.alias(str, 'promoa') # Promotion action
+for product_index in range(1, MAX_EC_PRODUCTS):
+ Tracker.alias(str, 'pr{0}id'.format(product_index)) # Product SKU
+ Tracker.alias(unicode, 'pr{0}nm'.format(product_index)) # Product name
+ Tracker.alias(unicode, 'pr{0}br'.format(product_index)) # Product brand
+ Tracker.alias(unicode, 'pr{0}ca'.format(product_index)) # Product category
+ Tracker.alias(unicode, 'pr{0}va'.format(product_index)) # Product variant
+ Tracker.alias(str, 'pr{0}pr'.format(product_index)) # Product price
+ Tracker.alias(int, 'pr{0}qt'.format(product_index)) # Product quantity
+ Tracker.alias(str, 'pr{0}cc'.format(product_index)) # Product coupon code
+ Tracker.alias(int, 'pr{0}ps'.format(product_index)) # Product position
+ for custom_index in range(MAX_CUSTOM_DEFINITIONS):
+ Tracker.alias(str, 'pr{0}cd{1}'.format(product_index, custom_index)) # Product custom dimension
+ Tracker.alias(int, 'pr{0}cm{1}'.format(product_index, custom_index)) # Product custom metric
+ for list_index in range(1, MAX_EC_LISTS):
+ Tracker.alias(str, 'il{0}pi{1}id'.format(list_index, product_index)) # Product impression SKU
+ Tracker.alias(unicode, 'il{0}pi{1}nm'.format(list_index, product_index)) # Product impression name
+ Tracker.alias(unicode, 'il{0}pi{1}br'.format(list_index, product_index)) # Product impression brand
+ Tracker.alias(unicode, 'il{0}pi{1}ca'.format(list_index, product_index)) # Product impression category
+ Tracker.alias(unicode, 'il{0}pi{1}va'.format(list_index, product_index)) # Product impression variant
+ Tracker.alias(int, 'il{0}pi{1}ps'.format(list_index, product_index)) # Product impression position
+ Tracker.alias(int, 'il{0}pi{1}pr'.format(list_index, product_index)) # Product impression price
+ for custom_index in range(MAX_CUSTOM_DEFINITIONS):
+ Tracker.alias(str, 'il{0}pi{1}cd{2}'.format(list_index, product_index, custom_index)) # Product impression custom dimension
+ Tracker.alias(int, 'il{0}pi{1}cm{2}'.format(list_index, product_index, custom_index)) # Product impression custom metric
+for list_index in range(1, MAX_EC_LISTS):
+ Tracker.alias(unicode, 'il{0}nm'.format(list_index)) # Product impression list name
+for promotion_index in range(1, MAX_EC_PROMOTIONS):
+ Tracker.alias(str, 'promo{0}id'.format(promotion_index)) # Promotion ID
+ Tracker.alias(unicode, 'promo{0}nm'.format(promotion_index)) # Promotion name
+ Tracker.alias(str, 'promo{0}cr'.format(promotion_index)) # Promotion creative
+ Tracker.alias(str, 'promo{0}ps'.format(promotion_index)) # Promotion position
+# Shortcut for creating trackers
+def create(account, *args, **kwargs):
+ return Tracker(account, *args, **kwargs)
+# vim: set nowrap tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=0 expandtab textwidth=0 filetype=python foldmethod=indent foldcolumn=4