-$Id: ChangeLog 9 2005-03-28 20:54:45Z tilman $
+$Id: ChangeLog 10 2005-03-28 20:55:18Z tilman $
2005-03-28 Tilman Sauerbeck (tilman at code-monkey de)
* Rakefile, test/test_basic.rb: Use 'edj' instead of 'eet'
as the extension for the test Edjes
* README: Added basic documentation
+ * Rakefile: Added an RDocTask
2005-03-26 Tilman Sauerbeck (tilman at code-monkey de)
* lib/redact/app.rb: Use Tempfile's for the Embryo source- and
-# $Id: Rakefile 8 2005-03-28 18:11:12Z tilman $
+# $Id: Rakefile 10 2005-03-28 20:55:18Z tilman $
require "rake/clean"
require "rake/testtask"
+require "rake/rdoctask"
t.test_files = FileList["test/test*.rb"]
t.verbose = true
+Rake::RDocTask.new do |t|
+ t.rdoc_dir = "doc"
+ t.title = "Redact - An Edje Compiler written in Ruby"
+ t.options = ["--line-numbers", "--inline-source", "--main", "README"]
+ t.rdoc_files.include("README", "COPYING", "AUTHORS", "ChangeLog",
+ "TODO", "lib/redact/redact.rb",
+ "lib/redact/part.rb", "lib/redact/program.rb")