SRCS:=client.c main.c messages.c pds.c server.c ssl.c log.c conf.c crypt.c \ timer.c messagehandler.c channel.c Mumble.pb-c.c voicetarget.c OBJS:=$(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(SRCS)) # If PolarSSL is in a nonstandard place. Usually not available in e.g. Fedora. POLARSSL_LIB:=../../../../polarssl/polarssl-0.12.1/library/libpolarssl.a POLARSSL_INCLUDE:=../../../../polarssl/polarssl-0.12.1/include # **** Stuff used for debugging ****** # For Valgrind #CFLAGS:=$(CFLAGS) -I. -I/data/export/proj/openssl/include/ -Wall #LDFLAGS:=$(LDFLAGS) -L/data/export/proj/openssl/lib/ -lcrypto -lssl -lconfig # PolarSSL #CFLAGS:=$(CFLAGS) -DUSE_POLARSSL -I. -I$(POLARSSL_INCLUDE) -Wall #LDFLAGS:=$(LDFLAGS) -L $(POLARSSL_LIB) -lconfig # Debug #CFLAGS:=$(CFLAGS) -DDEBUG -g # ********** END ************ # Build support and link to PolarSSL #EXTRA_CFLAGS:=-DUSE_POLARSSL -I$(POLARSSL_INCLUDE) #EXTRA_LDLAGS:=-lpolarssl #SSL_LIB:=$(POLARSSL_LIB) # OpenSSL EXTRA_CFFLAGS:= EXTRA_LDFLAGS:=-lcrypto -lssl CFLAGS:=$(CFLAGS) -I. -Wall $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) LDFLAGS:=$(LDFLAGS) -lconfig $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) umurmurd:google/protobuf-c/libprotobuf_c.a depend.mak $(OBJS) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(SSL_LIB) google/protobuf-c/libprotobuf_c.a -o umurmurd google/protobuf-c/libprotobuf_c.a: $(MAKE) -C google/protobuf-c/ clean: $(MAKE) -C google/protobuf-c/ clean rm -f *.o umurmurd depend.mak all: umurmurd $(OBJS): Makefile depend.mak: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -M $(SRCS) > depend.mak include depend.mak