[euphoria.git] / ani.edc
1 #define DOT_PROG(NUM, S1, S2) \
2       program { \
3         name, "ani"NUM".1"; \
4         action, STATE_SET "end" 0.0; \
5         transition, DECELERATE S1; \
6         target, "dot"NUM; \
7         after, "ani"NUM".2"; \
8       } \
9       program { \
10         name, "ani"NUM".2"; \
11         action, STATE_SET "default" 0.0; \
12         target, "dot"NUM; \
13         transition, LINEAR 0.0; \
14         after, "ani"NUM".3"; \
15         in, .5 .5; \
16       } \
17       program { \
18         name, "ani"NUM".3"; \
19         action, STATE_SET "end" 0.0; \
20         transition, DECELERATE S2; \
21         target, "dot"NUM; \
22         after, "ani"NUM".4"; \
23       } \
24       program { \
25         name, "ani"NUM".4"; \
26         action, STATE_SET "default" 0.0; \
27         target, "dot"NUM; \
28         transition, LINEAR 0.0; \
29         after, "ani"NUM".1"; \
30         in, .5 .5; \
31       } \
32       program { \
33         name, "ani"NUM".stop"; \
34         action, ACTION_STOP; \
35         target, "ani"NUM".1"; \
36         target, "ani"NUM".2"; \
37         target, "ani"NUM".3"; \
38         target, "ani"NUM".4"; \
39         after, "ani"NUM".reset"; \
40       } \
41       program { \
42         name, "ani"NUM".init"; \
43         signal, "show"; \
44         source, ""; \
45         after, "ani"NUM".stop"; \
46       } \
47       program { \
48         name, "ani"NUM".reset"; \
49         action, STATE_SET "default" 0.0; \
50         target, "dot"NUM; \
51         transition, LINEAR 0.0; \
52         /* the following line breaks the animation, since the
53          * program's execution is delayed by 0.5-1.0 seconds.
54          * This kinda spoils the effect though :/
55          * rewrite with embryo! :)
56         in, .5 .5;*/ \
57       } \
58       program {  \
59         name, "ani"NUM".playing"; \
60         signal, "PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING";  \
61         source, "*";  \
62         after, "ani"NUM".1"; \
63       } \
64       program {  \
65         name, "ani"NUM".paused"; \
66         signal, "PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED";  \
67         source, "*";  \
68         after, "ani"NUM".stop"; \
69       } \
70       program {  \
71         name, "ani"NUM".stopped"; \
72         signal, "PLAYBACK_STATE_STOPPED";  \
73         source, "*";  \
74         after, "ani"NUM".stop"; \
75       }
77 DOT_PROG(0, 1.15, .85)
78 DOT_PROG(1, .75, 1)
79 DOT_PROG(2, 1.5, 2.0)
80 DOT_PROG(3, 1.25, .75)
81 DOT_PROG(4, 1.0, 1.5)