Fix #605 by closing current device when another is selected
[pulseview.git] / android / custom_rules.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!--
3    This file is part of the PulseView project.
5    Copyright (C) 2014 Marcus Comstedt <>
7    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10    (at your option) any later version.
12    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15    GNU General Public License for more details.
17    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
19 -->
20 <project>
21         <property name="pulseview-source-path" value="${basedir}/.."/>
22         <property name="pulseview-build-path" value="${pulseview-source-path}"/>
23         <property name="cmake-cache" value="${pulseview-build-path}/CMakeCache.txt"/>
24         <target name="-get-prefix">
25                 <loadproperties srcFile="${cmake-cache}" prefix="cmake">
26                         <filterchain>
27                                 <replaceregex pattern=":[A-Z]*=" replace="="/>
28                         </filterchain>
29                 </loadproperties>
30                 <property name="prefix" value="${cmake.CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}"/>
31                 <property name="android.abi" value="${cmake.ANDROID_ABI}"/>
32         </target>
33         <target name="-declare-anttasks" depends="-get-prefix">
34                 <taskdef resource=""
35                         classpath="${prefix}/jar/sigrok-androidutils-anttasks.jar"/>
36         </target>
37         <target name="-pre-build" depends="-get-prefix, -declare-anttasks">
38                 <copylibs todir="${native.libs.absolute.dir}" property="bundled_libs">
39                         <fileset dir="${pulseview-build-path}/libs"/>
40                         <include name=""/>
41                         <include name=""/>
42                         <include name=""/>
43                         <exclude name="lib*.so"/>
44                 </copylibs>
45                 <copy todir="${native.libs.absolute.dir}">
46                         <fileset dir="${prefix}/jar">
47                                 <include name="QtAndroid-bundled.jar" />
48                                 <include name="QtAndroidAccessibility-bundled.jar" />
49                         </fileset>
50                 </copy>
51                 <copy todir="${native.libs.absolute.dir}/${android.abi}">
52                         <fileset dir="${prefix}/lib">
53                                 <include name="" />
54                                 <include name="" />
55                                 <include name="" />
56                                 <include name="" />
57                         </fileset>
58                 </copy>
59                 <copy todir="${native.libs.absolute.dir}/${android.abi}">
60                         <fileset dir="${prefix}/plugins">
61                                 <include name="platforms/android/"/>
62                                 <include name="platforms/"/>
63                                 <include name="platforms/"/>
64                                 <include name="platforms/"/>
65                                 <include name="platforms/"/>
66                                 <include name="generic/"/>
67                                 <include name="generic/"/>
68                                 <include name="generic/"/>
69                                 <include name="generic/"/>
70                                 <include name="imageformats/"/>
71                                 <include name="iconengines/"/>
72                                 <include name="accessible/"/>
73                         </fileset>
74                         <filtermapper>
75                                 <replacestring from="/" to="_" />
76                                 <prefixlines prefix="libplugins_" />
77                         </filtermapper>
78                 </copy>
79                 <copy file="${prefix}/jar/sigrok-androidutils.jar"
80                         tofile="${jar.libs.absolute.dir}/sigrok-androidutils.jar"/>
81                 <copy file="${prefix}/share/sigrok-androidutils/device_filter.xml"
82                         tofile="${resource.absolute.dir}/xml/device_filter.xml"/>
83                 <copy file=""
84                         tofile="${resource.absolute.dir}/values/bundled_libs.xml">
85                         <filterset>
86                                 <filter token="bundled_libs" value="${bundled_libs}"/>
87                         </filterset>
88                 </copy>
89                 <copy file="${pulseview-source-path}/icons/sigrok-logo-notext.png"
90                         tofile="${resource.absolute.dir}/drawable/logo.png"/>
91                 <copy todir="${source.absolute.dir}">
92                         <fileset dir="${prefix}/src/android/java/src">
93                                 <include name="org/qtproject/qt5/android/bindings/**"/>
94                                 <include name="org/kde/necessitas/ministro/**"/>
95                         </fileset>
96                 </copy>
97                 <copy todir="${resource.absolute.dir}">
98                         <fileset dir="${prefix}/src/android/java/res">
99                                 <include name="**/strings.xml"/>
100                         </fileset>
101                 </copy>
102                 <copy todir="${asset.absolute.dir}/libsigrokdecode">
103                         <fileset dir="${prefix}/share/libsigrokdecode"/>
104                 </copy>
105                 <copy todir="${asset.absolute.dir}/python3.3">
106                         <fileset dir="${prefix}/lib/python3.3">
107                                 <include name="**/*.py"/>
108                                 <exclude name="**/test/**"/>
109                                 <exclude name="**/tests/**"/>
110                                 <exclude name="**/tkinter/**"/>
111                                 <exclude name="**/turtledemo/**"/>
112                                 <exclude name="**/"/>
113                                 <exclude name="**/idlelib/**"/>
114                         </fileset>
115                 </copy>
116         </target>
117 </project>